My Time Capsule: 2018 In A Nutshell


2018 In A Nutshell

Seriously guys, don't you think that time goes by faster each year?
Feels like it was only yesterday I posted my 2017 highlights here and now I'm drafting another one for 2018! Looking back, last year I made a resolution to cut down my time on social media and I kinda aced it. I've been spending more time with my parents, family, cousins and my furry kids. I pushed myself to step out my comfy cocoon and to meet new people. Heck! I even signed myself up to some dance classes like hip hop, zumba, waacking and pound fit pro. After a century, I almost forgot how happy I am when I dance, though my matured bones and muscles hated me for this (I can assure you there's lots of 'OUCH'  and 'FFF' in the morning after). Oh well! I believe it's never too old or too fat to start dancing again. Don't you think? 😬

2018 was indeed a blessed year, a much better year than 2017. As usual, some trips started from an impulsive decision. What I realised is that after nearly 40 years of intense travel (OMG! I feel so old! 💀), I am now in slowing down phase. I'm still very much curious about exploring new countries and places but I also don't mind re-visiting same destinations just to chill. My friends used to have a hard time to locate where I was but now I can appreciate more having a quality time at home with my loved ones. Though honestly it feels a bit odd to start with, because I'm so used to always o the move since I was born.

Okay! Enough yadda yadda yadda and here's my 2018 in a nutshell:

January - Bali

I couldn't ask for better team
Kicking off the new year with a collaboration project by and Prasana by Arjani Resorts in Bali. I was invited along with some talented friends for a creator retreat.
*click here to read how we spent our days during the retreat

March - Hong Kong

meat galore 

Temple Street Night Market
A year wouldn't be complete without a visit to our second home to spoil our taste buds on the scrumptious Hong Kong cuisine. This time we ventured to New Territory to visit my grandma's sister who has been feeling unwell. Also I joined two special themed walking tours, the Ghosts & Myths of Wan Chai and Kowloon Walled City & Food Adventure.

By the way, I experienced something spooky when I took the photo above, the Temple Street Night Market. After dinner my parents and my sister were quite tired that they went back to hotel, in the other hand I was having a caffeine high. I decided to walk around the night market and found a parking building where I could take some pictures from above. The view was pretty awesome from the 8th floor (or was it 5th floor? Gosh, I'm so bad with numbers!). I spent probably an hour there, shooting and enjoying the view. But from time to time I would keep looking back because the strange feeling of someone was watching me or I heard footsteps when there was no one around in the dingy parking lot. It was around 9pm when I took the lift down to get back to my hotel. I was all alone inside the dimly lit lift. Suddenly I felt a gust of wind on the back of my neck. A cold wind. I turned back to check whether there's a hole on the wall but I couldn't find any. Then came another gust of wind. It blew harder that some parts of my hair moved. Felt like someone was blowing on my neck. Okay! Probably I'm not alone here. I told myself not to turn around because I could feel that someone (or something?) was there behind me. I cursed the lift for moving ever so slowly and flee faster than Usain Bolt as soon as the door slid open to the side. Phew! What a night!

April - Jakarta

Kopi Es Tak Kie
Stayed in the capital city for a couple days to visit a friend and her newborn twins. Finally I got to visit this famous coffee shop called Kopi Es Tak Kie and tasted some delicious food in Gang Gloria, Glodok.

June - Adopting 2 senior dogs

the Leksonos new members
I keep reminding myself that I should stop adopting or rescuing all the stray dogs I saw on street. But I just couldn't say no when these two came into my house. Both of them are considered senior dogs, Lady the Pomeranian is 11 years old and Arthur the Husky is turning 8 soon. Their hoomom had to move to Bali and it wasn't possible to take them along. So now, I settle with 14 adopted furry kiddos at home. Please don't ask me to adopt more or I will soon need someone to adopt myself too 😂

July - Bali


August - Yogyakarta

love them both!
Took a train from Malang to Yogyakarta with my sister to meet these ladies. I got to know Aggy and kak Febby long time ago when I was just starting my blog. They are my blogger friends turned sisters. I couldn't be happier to spend some days exploring Yogyakarta with these two 😘

September - Malang Flower Carnival

Kinda embarrassed to admit that only this year I managed to experience Malang Flower Carnival, an annual event which take place in my neighbourhood, Ijen Street. Every year this event is attended by thousands of visitors, not only from across Indonesia but also from more than 40 countries around the world. In total, there was more than 200 participants in striking flower theme costumes made of recycle materials, designed by 150 talented designers. I really enjoyed the carnival and it was beyond my expectation, to be honest. Can't wait to join the event again this year. See you there ?

October - Bali (again)

Tanah Lot, Bali
Another trip to Bali to meet my former workmate slash old friends from London. We used to work together as coffee baristas when I was studying in the UK. It's been ages since we bid goodbye so I was thrilled when they told me that they were going to have a family holiday in Bali. For some privacy reasons, I don't post their picture here. Daniel Craig? Jude Law? Or is it Prince Harry? Keep guessing, guys! 😂

November - Myanmar

Hsinbyume Pagoda

sunrise in Bagan
The most anticipated trip of the year! An impulsive trip booked just after my afternoon nap back in February. Found a good deals on Singapore Airlines Travel Fair and decided to have my birthday trip in Myanmar. I didn't even have any ideas where to visit and else but that's the fun part. My sister and I had one of the best trips in our life, exploring this beautiful country. We were venturing to Mandalay, Monywa, Bagan, Inle Lake and Yangon. More post about Myanmar soon!

December - Thailand

Khao Yai

Flew to Thailand with my parents for an early Christmas holiday. We explored Khao Yai for a couple days before drove back to Bangkok for some food and retail therapy 😋.
Checked on the newest and biggest mall in Thailand, the Icon Siam and ended up staying the whole evening at their  indoor floating market. I really love the SookSiam stall concept and pretty interior. You can also find a huge variety of Thai food too here. I visited this mall twice only for the delicious food so I can't really say much about the shops.

Happy New Year 2019, guys! Wishing us all a blessed year full of love and laugh!
My resolution this year is to love myself more (along with my family, friends and furry kiddos of course) and to live a healthier lifestyle. I went for yearly blood screening a couple days ago and by looking at my doctor's reaction...grimaced face, shook his head and massaged his temple...I knew the result is far from good 😅
So let's see how long I will stick on his new rules (less coffee, less fried goodies, less fatty food and less other 1 million items) for, lol.

Do you have any resolutions for 2019? Please share 😘


  1. First of all, you look very young for someone who's been traveling for 40 years! Awesome! haha... And second: you're really brave to stay in that parking lot in Hong Kong to get those cool photos! We don't think that we would dare going up there. And we're even shivering now as we read how spooky it was!! Also, it's wonderful that you got to explore Bali twice in a year. There are days we wish we were living in Asia too, so that we can explore several places in Asia so easily! haha... Here's to an even better year full of new travel adventures and experiences!

    1. Thanks, girls! Wishing you an awesome year ahead too!
      Well I also can't believe that I will hit 40 soon. Please bring my childhood back! Hahahaha :p

  2. Hope we bump into each other again this year Deb!!

    1. We definitely will! *maksa* wakakakaka :p

  3. You must like Bali to travel there multiple times. I can totally understand why as Bali is a beautiful place. Of all those places you mentioned I'd really like to go to Myanmar. Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New Year, Christina! I used to live in Bali actually. So I still visit it a couple times every year. And yes, Myanmar is now my fave destination too. I would really love to explore it again :D

  4. You look wayyyy younger than 40!! Your travels to Bali look beautiful - sunset at Tanah Lot is stunning. I had shivers reading about your scary ghost experience in Hong Kong!!

    1. Thanks, Hannah! I guess it's the Asian genes? hahaha.
      Yeah I still couldn't believe I experienced something spooky in Hong Kong. I keep telling myself, it's just the wind :))

  5. All of your travels sound great but the Malang Flower Carnival would be AMAZING! Surprised this was your first time and it’s in your neighborhood. I do that too, travel to far away places and somehow miss what out my backdoor

    1. Exactly! I always think that it's just on my doorstep so I'll do that next time :))

  6. OMG terselip cerita horor!

    1. boohooooo. Sekarang tiap naik lift sendirian jadi noleh2 mulu ke belakang :))

  7. I was glad to hear that so many of the objectives you set for yourself were achieved in 2018. Spending more time dancing and less on social media sounds perfect to me. I wish I had done so well. It is great that you got to visit Bali a few times. It is still on our list to return. Some great other SE Asia spots on your 2018 travels too. Hope the senior dogs don’t slow down your travel too much.

    1. Let me know if you plan to re-visit Bali, Linda. Maybe we can meet up over coffee and share some travel tales :D

  8. Wow that is an incredible year in terms of travel.May be I can plan for a flower festival in September this year. Myanmar is high in my list. Great pics.

    1. I enjoyed Malang Flower Festival so much that I plan to attend it again this year. Join me, Indrani! :D

  9. It looks like you have had an eventful year! Love the way you adopted those two senior dogs. They are just beautiful. Wish you a lot more happy travelling in 2019.

    1. Wishing you a beautiful year ahead too! :)

  10. We almost travel in the same counties last 2018! Shame we didn’t meet even! We’ve been to Bali, HK, Myanmar and Thailand too! Anyway, great photos and information! I love those senior dogs of yours! Happy 2019 and more travels!

    1. Oh shoot! We could have met somewhere in those destinations, Kate!
      Well hopefully next time we can meet up. Happy 2019! :D


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