My Time Capsule: Indonesia: Cats and Coffee Yogyakarta


Indonesia: Cats and Coffee Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta, March 2016

Junot, the sleeping beauty

When I visit an eatery, ordering and paying my food but then completely forget to eat it....unquestionable there must be some cute animals involved. It happened before when I visited True Love (Husky) Cafe in Bangkok last year. I ordered a portion of ice cream and leave it sit on table for hours until it turned into a bowl of warm milk because I was too busy playing with the huskies. Oh well! I went back to the hotel with an empty stomach but a very happy face. Rarely happens since I usually I become an angry ogre when I'm hungry :p

whatcha lookin' at?

Aaaand it happened again on my recent visit to Cats and Coffee. Last year when I found out that my friend opened a cat cafe in Yogyakarta, I made a promise to visit it when I'm in town. I mean, who wouldn't want to be accompanied by these cute and fluffy felines while sipping a cup of coffee? Leslie, my 16 years old Persia cat has gone to cat heaven a few months back. So I thought it would be nice to be able to cuddle a cat again. Adopting another cat is not an option at the moment because now I live with 11 dogs at home.

Cats and Coffee

prizes from some cat competitions 

Luna is enjoying massage, she's purring loud :))

As soon as I entered the door, I got a sudden feeling of euphoria for seeing a number of adorable cats inside. In total they have 16 cats in various breeds from domestic cat, Persia cat, Maine coon, Himalayan to Munchkin cat which is a relatively new breed of cat characterised by its very short legs. Most probably you won't meet them all in once though because the cats in this cafe have some kind of 'work shift'. In some period of time the staff will bring some cats inside and take another out.

I'm chillin' yo


Lil' J the 1st Munchkin cat in Yogyakarta

zzzzz....stop taking pictures already! lemme sleep...zzzz

I was having so much fun examining their behaviour and personality. Some cats are very active and playful while the others couldn't care less about your presence and continuing their nap. Just remember who is the boss, cats appreciate attention but only when they want it, lol.

very chubby Luna

hellow, Upik!

one last kiss before going home :p

Tarius is so handsome he will be the next top cat model :D

Please bear in mind that there's some rules here:
1. Take off your footwear and place it in shoe cabinet before entering the cafe
2. Don't forget to sanitise your hand with the provided hand sanitiser
3. Don't touch the cats when they are eating
4. Camera flash is not allowed
5. Don't feed the cats
6. No violence towards the cats

Last but not least, don't pretend to accidentally put those adorable kitty inside your bag pack and take them home with you. Honestly, I was tempted to do so :p

Would I recommend this cafe? Absolutely! Specially if you are an avid cat lover. I'm pretty sure you would want to spend hours in this cosy cat cafe.
Meow you there! :)

Cats and Coffee 
Jalan Bougenvile no 1 (selokan Mataram)
Gejayan - Yogyakarta
Opening hours: 2 pm to 11 pm
Price range: Rp 17.000 to Rp 32.000


  1. Tarius ganteng bangettzzzz!

  2. Akhirnya tulisan barumu kelar juga mbak..slalu nungguin aku ;), daan..... aggghhhhhhhhh ini kenapa semua foto2 kucing ^o^.. Aku bisa2 ga kluar dari cafe ini saking girangnya.. itu foto2nya bikin pgn garukin tembok saking gemes ama semuanya... gndut2 banget, itu foto yg kedua, di bawah foto junot, kucingnya hamil ato memang montok :D.. ngegemesin byangeettt...

    di Kemang ada 2 seingetku cafe kucing bgini. tadinya aku mau datangin mbak, tapiiii trnyata pemiliknya nasabah bank ku yg pernah ribut2 ama aku krn masalah tarif and charge ;p.. hihihihi jd lgs males kesana ;D..

    1. awww, thanks ya, Fan. Jadi terharu ternyata ada yang nungguin tulisanku :')
      Itu si Luna memang super montok, hihihi. Mixed maine coon ama domestik gitu jadi emang lebih bongsor.
      Duhhh, Fan aku juga rasanya nggak mau pulang dari cafe ini. Pengen uwel2 semua kucingnya. Ntar kalo kamu ke Yogyakarta, mampir sini deh. Daripada ga enakan ama si nasabah, hihihi :p

  3. cats really adorable. want to hold and hug

  4. Kucingnya lucu banget,,, Jadi pengen bawa pulang.

  5. Kucingnya memang lucu, tapi yg lebih lucu yg gendong kucing. Hehee,,

    1. uhmm...berarti bisa nih aku apply job di cat cafe :p

  6. Langsung gugling munchkin cat... astagahhh itu kucing meski punya kaki pendek tapi unyuuuu banget. Beneran nggak ada cara lain buat culik kucing di sana? #ehh hahahaha
    Masukin agenda pas mlipir Yogya lagi ahh ^^

    1. lucu kannnnnn si munchkin cat. Aku naksir banget! <3

  7. gemeezzzzz!
    trus yang kamu gendong itu kayak lagi bingung dan tegang dia mau diapain :)))

    1. iyaaaa, ekspresi mukanya stress banget. Hahaha

  8. Idungnya Junot ke manaaa? hahahahah
    eh kamu kalo awal tahun depan ke Jakarta kabarin yaahh, kita main ke cafe kucing yg di Kemang :))
    di Sydney juga ada nih Catmosphere, tapi ga tau mahal apa engg :p

    1. hahahaha! Waaa, kamu awal tahun depan udah balik Jakarta ya? Horeee, can't wait to meet you, Mei :*

  9. Kucingnya ngegemesin ya, bikin mau di garuk aja
    punya mbak debb yang mana nih?

    1. semua kucingnya punya Cats and Coffee. Kucingku udah almarhum :'(

  10. Eh Jl. Bougenville itu sebelah mana ya Mba.. saya lupa je..hehehe, apa belakang UNY atau yang mana ya.. Ada caffe unik begini

    1. di daerah Gejayan, Selokan Mataram. Pas itu aku carinya pake Google map. Ketemu kok, hehehe :D

  11. Btw, did u pay an extra fee to just play with the cats? Or you can play with them after you enter the cafe? haha ... Am just curious!

    Too bad, I didn't realize that there's a cat cafe in Jogja on my last visit!!

    1. no extra fee, ko Timot. Just order some drinks and you are free to play with the cats :D

  12. Lucu banget tapi kalo gw pasti galau banyak kucing GELIIIII

  13. Waaaah, kudu disambangin ini kalau main ke Jogja :)))

  14. wuih baru tau ada cafe kucing di yogya.. luccccuuuu.. *uwel uwel kucingnya*

  15. Baru lihat post baru lagi.. hayuuuk semangat ciiii :)
    Akhirnya ada juga ya cat cafe disini. Mampir ahhh... bisa diajak guling2 kan hahaha :D

    1. hahaha! masih ngeblog kok, one post/ month :p
      Kalo ke Jogja mampir sini deh, kucingnya lucuuu

    2. beli kopi dapat kucing dongggg :))


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