My Time Capsule: France: Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims


France: Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims

Reims, July 2014

"I just want to get out of Paris!"

After spending 2 peaceful weeks in Iceland and Greenland I kinda had a 'shock' when I landed in Paris, the so called 'most romantic city in the world'. Yes, Paris is beautiful but it's just way too crowded and complicated for a small town girl like me. It did not impress me on my first visit 14 years ago and I thought I'd give Paris a second chance. But within a few hours wandering around the city, I felt suffocated and miserable that even those delicious French patisserie could not lift my mood. I decided to hire a chauffeur and car on the next day to take me away from Paris.

* I didn't mean to travel like a royal family but I was travelling with my Dad who's still recovering from a stroke and my Mom who can't walk too far due to spinal surgery couple years back. I love taking public transportation but it's not an option when I travel with my parents.

Notre-Dame de Reims

"Where would you like to go? Gallery Lafayette or Champs Elysees? Indonesian people love to shop there for branded stuff", asked the chauffeur enthusiastically when he picked me up at the hotel the next morning.

"Not all Indonesian would fly thousands miles away just to shop. Obviously not me." I rolled my eyes. "Also I've already been to Gallery Lafayette yesterday."

"See! You went shopping. Did you buy anything nice from that luxury department store?"

"Yes. I bought a box of expensive fried rice from Chinese restaurant on top floor. Now please just take me to some leisurely beautiful places."

some renovations in Reims Cathedrale

The chauffeur drove the car towards the highway and took me to Reims, a charming city 2 hours away from Paris. My first stop was the Cathedral of Reims which was built in 1211 to replace an older church destroyed by fire. The process continued through three centuries but rest incomplete. Spires that were initially planned for the tops of the towers were never built. The Gothic art masterpiece was one of the first monuments registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

can you spot the difference between old and new parts?

The 800 years old Cathedral is an important site in the history of France where at least 24 of its kings were crowned. Unfortunately some important parts of the building were destroyed and severely damaged during the World War I. It was not until 1919 when the restoration work began and was fully reopened in 1938. What amazed me most was the stunning details of the limestone statues and Gothic stained glass windows. Such a mind-blowing artworks!

the entrance

amazing details

the altar

interior of Reims cathedral

stained glass windows designed by Marc Chagall

beautiful vaulted ceilings

the miniature

Holy Mary

I really could spend hours just sitting in silence inside the church, admiring the beauty around every corner. Beside the cathedral I also visited Abbey of Saint-Remi and had a cellar tour at Pommery Champagne house. I'll write about it on separate blog posts. Though I had no expectation at all, visiting Reims was one of my best day trips. Well, thanks to my chauffeur! It's true that sometimes the best advice comes from local people. Don't you think? :)


  1. Paris is somehow still special, romance is really a matter of personal taste I believe :-)

    1. Paris is beautiful but I can't stand the hectic surroundings. I guess I'm just not a big city girl. A remote place like Kulusuk in Greenland is a perfect place for me :))

  2. Lucky that you can get advice frok local and find wonderful places suite your preference. Wish i could have the chance visiting there.

    1. Aminnnn. I hope your dreams will come true one day :)

  3. Keren banget yaa bangunan2an nya, tapi temen ku yg bolak-balik paris karna kerjaan sangat membenci kota ini karna banyak nya copet yg berkeliaran. Udah 2x dia kena kerjain ama copet2 itu

    1. Paris mayan tinggi kriminal, uang ditaruh di safety box kamar hotel pun bisa hilang >.<
      Aku ga pernah betah di Paris, berasa sumpek banget. Lebih suka ke kota2 kecil kaya Reims ini

    2. Serius kak, itu duit di safety box kamar bisa ilang ???? kok bisa sech ??? tragis banget kalo gitu

    3. iyah, ilang bareng passport yg disimpen dalam safety box. Orang Indo juga yang ngalamin. Kasian ya :'(

  4. Duh! Paris is one of my dream kak debbz! I wan't to travel there tooo! Someday kaak someday! XD

    1. Aminnnn. Kalo ke Paris coba melipir ke kota kecil ini juga. Arsitektur katedralnya cantik bingitsss :)

  5. Astagahhh.... aku ngilerrrr!!! Apalagi kaca patrinya. ARGGG.
    Dari dulu udah punya mimpi suatu hari kudu ke Notre Dame buat ketemu si Hugh Jackman... eh salah... si Hunchback :-p

    1. harus banget ke Notre Dame di kota Reims ini, Lim. Beneran cantik banget detailnya. Salah satu gereja favorit aku nih :D

  6. I'm in love with that first photo! Great post, thanks for sharing.

    Happy travels :)

  7. Wah hebat banget Ayahmu udah stroke masih jalan jalan ke Iceland? Semoga sehat terus ya Oom dan Tante :)

    1. Makasihhh, kak Tesya. Masih pemulihan jadi kalo jalan agak pelan gitu tapi semangat travelling-nya bikin kita was was, hahaha >.<

  8. udah rame banget yah si Paris :(
    tapi aku tetep mau ke eiffel :D

    eh foto di depan Cathedaral ini juga mauu bangeett, aku suka banget sama bangunan yg punya arsitektur kayak gini ;3

    1. Paris cantik kok, Mei....cuma terlalu hectic buat cewe desa kayak aku, hihihihi :p

  9. kdg2, aku pengeeeeeen bgt punya skill bisa ngebikin patung2 dgn tingkat kerumitan super duper gini... Ga abis pikir itu para seniman bljrnya gmn sih bikin statues dgn details kyk gituuu ;). Dari lahir udh jago kali yaa

    1. serasa magic gitu ya, Fan. Detailnya bener2 super keren sampe bikin melongo :D

  10. waaah keren katedralnya.
    Aku juga ga suka kota yang rame, suka pusing kalo banyak orang hahaha.. Sptnya aku jg ga akan suka Paris, tapi pengen banget ke prancis, ke daerah countryside nya gitu.

    1. samaaa, aku juga lebih enjoy jalan2 di kota kecil atau countryside gitu :D

  11. cantik bingittttzzz katedralya,,syg waktu itu hanya bisa liat dr sungai seine,,
    waktu itu lagi di renovasi ya ci deb..

    1. ini bukan katedral yang di Paris lho. Ini katedral di Reims, sekitar 2 jam dari Paris. cantikkkk banget :)

  12. Your picture makes me want to go on vacation there

    1. thanks, Merry! This church is indeed beautiful :)


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