My Time Capsule: Taiwan: People In The Market


Taiwan: People In The Market

During my childhood in Taiwan, I used to tag along my Granny or my Mom while they did daily shopping in traditional markets and it's been my favourite place since then. Usually while waiting, I'd spent my time watching people doing their activities. Some of them were busy preparing the food, haggling, calling the customers loudly to come to their stall and a lot more. Somehow I found it very interesting. But of course, at that time I didn't any camera to capture it. I just kept 'those pictures' in my mind.

Before my recent trip to Taiwan I have made a plan to visit as many as traditional and night markets possible. Besides to satisfy my appetite of local delicacies, this time with my camera, I wanted to capture 'real' pictures and share it with you. Here's I let you to take a peek what I have been keeping since I was a kid.  I hope you enjoy this photo essay and you're more than welcome to create your own title for each pictures :)

The last picture is particularly unforgettable for me, because the chicken seller lady was very furious at me. You might already knew that I love taking candid pictures from a far distance. And after only one snap, this lady noticed I was taking her pictures and she started yelling angrily with her huge knife pointed at me. Until now, I had no idea why would she get so offended. Perhaps she thought I was just being rude or something. Well, lesson learnt. Never mess with a chicken seller!

So which one is your fave photo? And what's the title?


  1. This post is so colrful, love it. My fave pic is the last one, the title would be "The Angry Chicken Lady" :D

  2. Haha, totally laughed with your statement, "Never mess with a chicken seller!".
    Your photos make me hungry already DebbZie !
    My fav is the grandpa holding chopstick, trying to mix the noodles with stock or something? I can see his passion there :)

    Anw, how could you take a candid picture with quite close view like that? I was wondering.. :)

    Liz Secret Rendezvous

    1. I take most pictures from a far distance because I like to capture natural face expression. Then I'll crop the pictures so it looks closer :D

  3. Street foods taiwan keliatannya enak2 banget :D

    1. emang enakkkkk, berat badan pasti naik 1 ton tiap ke taiwan >.<

  4. Love the whole idea of this post! The last photo is my favourite, though she does not look like a happy lady at all!

    1. thank you, Catherine! I think she was about to stab my forehead with her knife, lol

  5. Anonymous25/7/14 20:47

    Foto berbicara banget Debz... tapi lihat ini jadi kepingin comot buah cherry merah yang menggoda air liur, pingin comot sundukan yang menggoda perut >.<

    1. comot aja, Lim. Silahkan. gratis kok :p

  6. foto k8 dr atas, my fav ^o^ . Itu bapaknya lagi bikin hiasan2 kaca gitu ya mba? ahhh, aku slalu suka hiasan2 buah, hewan warna-warni dari kaca gitu... murah ga ya di sana :D

    1. di pasar tradisional gini murah2 barangnya, Fan. Lucu2 lagi :D

  7. fotoo yg juaall gorengann ituuu, semua gorengaannn waktu di Hongkong sama Bangkok juga suka banget beli gorengan, tapi cuma berani makan yg seafood, soalnya yang daging aku ga tau itu daging apa :((
    mau nyobain semuaaa padahal

    1. ho oh, Mei. Banyak yg ga halal soalnya. Aku malah takut jajan kalo di korea, soalnya banyak yg jual daging anjing :((


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