My Time Capsule: Photo Essay: People Around The World


Photo Essay: People Around The World

I love people watching but I'm terrible at photographing people specially portrait photography. Most of the time I'm not happy with the result. Wrong angle, bad timing, bla bla and another bla. I don't know...maybe I'm just being too perfectionist.

Though without realising during my trips I capture lots of picture of local people while they were doing their activities. I am often amazed about how a facial feature, skin and hair colour of one ethnic is different from another. To me all the differences makes this world even more beautiful and travelling becomes more interesting.

I was looking through my photo collection when I said to myself, "Okay, I guess I'm not that lousy at candid photography. These pictures looks quite decent." So I thought I would share some of my faves with you...

gambling grannies in China

one hard worker lady in Bali

the seaweed farmer in Bali

a friendly food seller in Hokkaido

some men in Dubai dessert

traditional kitchen in Turkey

Jewish family in Israel

a Palestinian boy in Bethlehem

the guard in Morocco

a security guy in Egypt

a Bedouin guy in mount Sinai

a pretty Bedouin girl

some street seller in South Africa

a little girl in Russia

the painter in Poland

friends gathering in Austria

a musician in Czech Republic

polices in Italy

a lady in Croatia

a souvenirs seller in Bosnia

Do you have any good tips for candid photography? Please share with me :)


  1. DebbZie, these are one of the most interesting travel pictures I've ever seen! Honest to goodness. I think we've seen many pictures of famous landscapes or other typical tourist pictures (kissing the Sphynx, etc). I think your photos describe a lot not only about the place, but also about how people live there. Pictures of little kids selling souvenirs always break my heart :-(

    1. I'm glad you like this post, Halida :)
      Somehow most of the time I take pictures of elderly people and kids. I didn't realize that before, hihihi

  2. Apanya yg terrible yak?? Bagus2 semuaaa gini kokkk... Paling keren ganya si polisi di Itali dong..haha.. Polwan nya kek nantangin gitu yahh :p

    1. Ini yang foto2 candid masih ok sih, kalo suruh motret orang pas dia hadap camera biasanya jelek hasilnya, hihihihi. Si Polwan keliatan jutek ya, kayak cewek ngambek sama pacarnya :p

  3. I LOVE this! I do a lot of people watching when I travel and I love your photos, they are really good!

    1. Thank you, Aggy. It's interesting ya, one of my faves things to do while traveling :D

  4. mbak debby, sepertinya anda sudah layak mempunyai album foto yang dijual di rak buku travel photography. Saya bakal beli bukunya. Pengaturan komposisi yang ada di foto2 portrait tersebut, nampaknya cuma ada di benak seorang yang telah menemui berbagai macam jenis suku bangsa. Saya suka sekali. Terima kasih untuk pengalih pikiran dari rutinitas nya, mbak. :D

    1. Terima kasih, Fanny. Aku masih harus belajar banyak lagi dan lagi karena seringnya masih malas memotret dengan tehnik yang benar, hanya mengandalkan mode auto di pocket camera :p
      Tapi senang sekali kalau foto-foto ini bisa memberi hiburan di tengah kesibukan kamu :)

  5. yang paling juara itu foto yg 2 polici di Italy, sumpaah kayak diarahin gayanya :) dan backgroundnya aaaaak, keyeeeeennnnn

    1. itu ambilnya aku ga berani arahin camera ke polisi *takut dikeplak*. Jadi asal jepret aja gituh, hihihi

  6. I wish.. how i wish i can travel the world. More and more. Like you :'(

    1. nothing is impossible, right? Just dream big and make it happen :)

  7. What a fantastic post, I absolutely loved it. My goodness, you certainly have traveled haven't you?xxxx

    1. Thanks, Dina. I'm glad you like this post xxxxx

  8. Oh nikmat nya shisha di tengah gurun, pingin banget :-) btw foto2 nya keren banget, suka liat nya

    1. aku malah blum pernah nyobain shisha, hihihi. Makasih ya mas Cumi yang sekseh :p

  9. yang di mesir itu aku suka kak deb
    tapi yang lain aku juga sukkaaaaa

  10. I like Security in Pyramid ^^

    1. tapi pas dia nyadar abis dipotret, langsung malak minta uang :(

  11. duhh foto2nya bagus banget, aq paling suka ama palestinian boy n russian girl..pengen bungkus bawa pulang hahaha

    1. Makasih Ankhe :)
      Boleh dech dibungkus bawa pulang, mereka emang unyu yach, hihihi

  12. Hi, Debb!

    Just like your tagline says, "when picture speak thousand words"
    I can feel the local honesty throughout your pics. And... off course, photography is not just about composition, view, angle, but also the right moment.

    "Leave nothing but footprints. Take nothing but pictures. Kill nothing but time"

    1. yup, that's why I love taking candid pictures of the local people :)

  13. Love all of your pictures Debz... And I must say I have "the seaweed farmer in Bali" picture too and that is because of you hahaha

    1. Thanks Halim. Same person (seaweed farmer), same place but different time and outfit ya :p

  14. The last photo is ... MAN WITH BOOBS?

    1. wakakakaka....perhatian banget sihhhh :))

  15. foto ya bagus2 kok walau candid, kyya mbk candid profesional nih...
    pny pengalaman abis foto candid, trus dimintain duit, kl gk orangya marah2, atau mau ditipuk pake batu atau hal2 yg tidak menyenangkan gk mbk ?
    kl pengalaman sy, mau foto wanita di dubai diem2, eh.. ketahuan, doi marah2 pake bahasa planet, sy oke..oke aja,
    abis itu saya tanya ke tour guide, teryata kita tdk blh sembarangan foto wanita di dubai tanpa persetujaun orang itu....

    1. pasti pernah donk, ketauan motret ibu pedagang daging ayam di Taiwan, marah banget sampe maki2 sambil ngacung2in pisau gitu, ihihihi

  16. Saya terkesima dengan hasil potret orang-orang yang berbeda di setiap tempat yang berbeda pula, dunia ini luas :)

    1. buat aku perbedaan ras itu cantik. sayangnya buat sebagian orang malah dijadiin alasan buat perang :'(


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