My Time Capsule: Hokkaido: Food Porn


Hokkaido: Food Porn

Warning! Don't read this post on an empty stomach. The risk is all yours. - See more at:
Warning! Don't read this post on an empty stomach. The risk is all yours.

grilled salmon and roe with rice

After my Hokkaido trip, a lot of my friends asking me about the food. "What to eat in Hokkaido? Is the food good? What's the speciality and what's your fave food there?" I seriously had a hard time thinking about how to answer without sounding like a glutton. Because most of the food that I ate in Hokkaido just blew my mind. Too many delicious food that within a week my camera was almost full of food pictures. Yeah, it's not easy either to sort out just a few from hundreds for this food porn post. Are you sure you are ready for this post ? Please don't lick your monitor, okie dokie ?*wink*

prawn ramen in miso soup base in Sapporo

pork ramen with soy sauce soup base in Asahikawa

kaizen (seafood) ramen with scallop
Ramen. You can not say you've been to Hokkaido if you haven't try their ramen. The noodle is thin, curly and springy just the way I like it. There are variations of the soup base between the regions. Sapporo is known for miso based broth, then soy sauce based soup in Asahikawa and salt based broth in Hakodate.

My fave is the kaizen or seafood ramen with scallop in Sapporo. The broth is savoury and sweet because it's added crab. Topped with sweet corn which is crunchy and buttery in the same time. Take a bite of the soft boiled egg and indulge some of the creamy yolk drips onto your tongue. Let the tears of happiness flow on your cheeks :p

Nabe or traditional Japanese hot pot cuisine. The broth is clear and mild, then it's added fresh vegetables, mushroom, seafood or meat. It's a great and healthy dish to warm up your body during winter.

Sushi. There's no better place to enjoy sushi than in Japan. I don't usually eat raw fish but while in Japan I can't resist myself to do so. The sliced salmon tastes sweet and melt in your mouth. More please!

grilled hokke
Hooke or mackerel also is very famous in Hokkaido. The meat is thick, firm and flavourful with high fat content. Oh! the seals love to eat this fish :D

tempura stand in hotel buffet

deep fried scallops

kaiseki dinner

one of the dish
Kaiseki. I had this luxury dinner while staying at Lake Akan area. Basically it's like a Japanese style fine dining. All the food is prepared carefully and presented on plates that are chosen to enhance both the appearance and the taste. Everyone get their own table with 10 kind of assorted dishes. Happy tummy guaranteed!

grilled sausage from street food stands

dinner set menu for one person
Hokkaido seafood is well known in the world and the crab in particular is exceptional. Never in my life I saw a crab so big that it looks kinda scary. Depending on the season and location, you can enjoy Queen crab, Horsehair crab, Red king crab or Blue king crab. The crab meat is soft and sweet while the shell is not as hard as the one I usually eat here in Indonesia. In fact I didn't need that scissors, I just bite it to break the crab leg. Or perhaps I have tooth made of steel ? I don't know...

Hokkaido shiraoi wagyu or black beef waiting to be grilled

Omuraisu or omelet and rice. It's fried rice then wrapped in thin sheet of fried egg. You can choose the sauce among tomato sauce, beef stock, demi-glace sauce or just salt and pepper. Simple dish but never go wrong for me

buta-don, Obihiro pork bowl
Buta-don means pork bowl. Actually I accidentally found this dish while I was in the food court of Mitsui Outlet. I saw a very long queue in front of this stall and decided to join the crowd. Turned out it was sooo good. The sliced pork is quite thick and juicy, it's char-grilled to perfection then seasoned with soy sauce and black pepper. Nom...nom...nom. Do you want a bite of it?

hot food vending machine. I want one at home!

cream puff at Patissier Kitakaro

Hokkaido soft cream
Hokkaido is also famous for its dairy products. So while you're there don't forget to try their milk or even better this soft cream and the cream puff. It's too yummy it will make your taste buds dance with joy.

Pucchin Purrin, custard pudding
Pucchin Purrin. I love this pudding so much that every time I saw a 7 Eleven or other mini mart, I just had to stop by and get pucchin purrin. It reminds me of my childhood in Taiwan, I used to eat this every single day. It's similar to flan pudding or creme caramel. Silky consistency, creamy flavor and bittersweet caramelised sugar flavour. Bliss! Anyone in Japan, pleaseeee send me this :)

Fun fact: Pucchin Purrin has been recognised by Guinness World Records as the world's best-selling pudding, after 5.1 billion units were sold since it hit the market in 1972, according to its maker.

sizzling grilled scallop

grilled life scallop

Hotate or scallop. I save the best for last. You can not leave Hokkaido without trying their famous scallop. I had always love eating scallops but in Hokkaido I tried the grilled live scallop for the first time. It's so so sooo delicious that I saw a unicorn flying over the rainbow every time I ate this. The meat is crunchy, sweet, buttery, and savoury in the same time. I think I spent most of my money to buy scallops. At that time I was thinking to marry a scallop seller in Hokkaido, so I can eat scallops every single day for the rest of my life, lol. I know, I'm just so naive sometime :p
That's a video to show you how they cook the life scallops.

the actual size of that ramen bowl is as big as my head :D
PS: One extra pic to give you an idea, in case you're wondering whether I gobbled up all those food or just took the pictures. Dad told me that he couldn't believe his eyes, every time he looked at me....I was always busy munching, lol. Now while I'm writing this post, I realised that I really eat way too much food in Hokkaido *grins*

Are you hungry yet ? 

My other food porn post: Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia


  1. Visual torture... :P~ *drolls

    1. indeed! even it's a torture for the writer >.<

  2. Ramen nya mengairahkan, tp pork nya di ganti beef aja yeee hahaha .... asli ngilerrrrrr

    1. Kalo ga makan babi, make sure pas pesen bilang soalnya rata2 dikasih irisan daging babi gitu kalo ga bilang. Asli enakkkk banget ramen disana :)

    2. Cumiiiii, yg bikin enak justru haram nya tuh hahaha

  3. makannya imut banget deh ah :))

    1. setelah mulut terbuka lebar jadi amit amit ya Kak, hihihihi

  4. I nearly licked my monitor!
    Drool Deb, I will definitely be dragging you for a food trip sometimes in the future!

  5. Droolsssss.... all look so yummyyyy...

  6. piring kotor masih di samping, tp koq liat ini jd lapar lagi??? T_T

    1. aku aja pas nulis juga sambil kelaparan, huhuhu T.T

  7. Lihat gambarnya langsung bikin ngiler, nafsu baca artikelnya malah hilang :D

    1. iyah, karena a picture speaks a thousand words, hihihi

  8. Love that first one and the one with the pair of nigiri. Yum!

  9. Aku ngler liat lobsternya.. kakinya aja segede itu, apalagi yang lainnya.:P

    1. kaki kepiting tuh dan memang gede banget, kakinya aja 30 cm panjangnya :D

  10. Debbie, you are killing me with this food. I would honestly enjoy every single dish in this post. I am a big fan of salmon and I can eat it every day and the ice cream... chocolate is my favourite one! Wish I was there with you. Niiiiice!

    1. We shoud go for a food tour together one day....with Aggy too. It should be fun :D

  11. Yo go girl! It's lovely to see someone enjoying their food and there is a wonderful selection here. I loved the prettiness of the kaiseki dinner.xxxx

    1. The food in Japan is just amazing. I can't get enough of it xxxxx

  12. Arghh Ramen, Arghh Susi, Arghh semua nya enak2 di Foto!

    Nanti kalau gw ke Jepang harus nanya tempat kuliner ni ama kakak :P

    Ngobatin ngiler ramen nya pake Indomie dulu aja deh sekarang lol

    1. di Jepang mah kayaknya asal nyomot tempat makan rata2 enak makanannya. Aku juga random gitu nyoba2 masakan sana, hihihi

  13. Oh my, saya naksir sama semuanya.
    Kalo dilihat2 sih makanannya enak semua dan bikin ngiler.
    Eh tapi habis makan kolesterolnya jebol kali ya? Hahahah :)))

    1. untungnya orang Jepang perhatian banget ama kandungan gizi makanan. Jadi rata2 makanan disana lebih sehat sih *menghibur diri* hihihi

  14. Hehehehe... saya ga doyan makanan jepang...

    walo belom makan malam, tetep ga laper liat poto2nya..

    tapi poto2nya keren mbak...

  15. I've been warned.. and yet I still can't resist to read this and now I want ramen! :))

    1. Let's eat! I want a bowl of Ramen too now :D

  16. gagal membaca warning di awal posting..lapar,perut kosong abis liat ini mau melipir sesaat ke resto sushi terdekat hahahahha

    1. ikutttt, aku juga pengen makan sushi :D

  17. Anonymous29/6/13 20:41

    Saya sudah baca berbagai postingan di blog ini. Selain foto2nya yang sangat bagus, tidak ada yang istimewa. Kesan yang saya dapat adalah ini blog seorang gadis kaya yang hobi jalan2, sanggup pergi ke mana2 dengan mudah dan uang bukan masalah. Tidak ada kepribadian yang terlihat. Jangan salah, saya bukan sirik.Tidak ada salahnya kalau kita punya uang dan sanggup jalan ke mana-mana, tapi untuk menghasilkan tulisan baik jangan takut untuk memperlihatkan bagaimana pribadi penulisnya. Apa opini penulis, apa yang ada dalam pikirannya? Apakah penulis merasa beruntung bisa pergi2 dengan mudah? Apakah penulis pernah kecewa, tidak mendapatkan yang diinginkan? Apakah penulis pernah mendapat kritikan? Kok kesannya semua gampang, mulus, tanpa hambatan. Jujurlah, jangan takut menunjukkan dirimu. Kalau tidak begitu, seperti yang saya bilang, postingan di sini tidak ada istimewanya. Kalau sekadar gambar bagus di zaman sekarang mudah mendapatkannya dari internet.

    1. Hai anonymous (maaf saya tidak tahu nama kamu)
      Terima kasih banyak sudah meluangkan waktu untuk memberi masukkan buat blog ini. Saya sangat menghargai perhatian kamu :)
      Jujur saya memang seorang pemula dalam membuat blog maupun menulis, semua saya belajar dari nol. Sampai sekarang juga saya masih banyak belajar karena sadar tulisan saya masih jauh dari bagus. Tapi dengan keterbatasan itu saya tetap ingin berbagi cerita perjalanan melalui banyak foto di blog ini.
      Sebenarnya banyak cerita saya yang menceritakan kesialan2 yang terjadi selama perjalanan.
      Saya memang harus lebih banyak berlatih menulis, sampai suatu saat mungkin ada orang yang akan menganggap tulisan saya layak dibaca :)

  18. Anonymous30/6/13 09:34

    Halo lagi. Saya salut sama kamu. Terus terang saya tadinya tidak yakin comment saya bakal dimunculkan. Ternyata kamu terbuka pada kritik. Saya memang tdk mencantumkan nama karena saya juga blogger dan pernah mendapat tuduhan ingin numpang tenar waktu kasih komen di sebuah blog.
    Saya lihat juga kok perkembangan blog ini, dari posting awal yang tdk banyak tulisannya, sekarang sudah mulai diisi dg pikiran penulisnya. Menurut saya itu yang membuat orang kembali lagi ingin membaca blog. Memang ada penulis yang berjarak waktu membuat tulisan (paling capek deh baca blog yang penuh dengan curhat dan mengekspos hal-hal pribadi) tapi jangan bikin jarak terlalu lebar, ijinkan orang merasakan apa yang kamu rasakan, yang bagus maupun yang tidak. Kecuali kalau memang spesialisasinya photography atau masak-memasak.
    Dan aku suka banget foto2 di blog ini! Minta tipsnya dong cara bikin foto dengan kamera saku.

  19. duhh mba Debb poto2nya bagus banget..mereka jadi terlalu cantik buat dimakan hahaha..*dulujugaakukomenkayagini*

    1. penataan makanan Jepang memang cantik banget detailnya, tapi ga dimakan juga sayang soalnya enak, kakaka *gembul*

  20. jepang top abis seafoodnya, selalu bikin ngiler ngeliatnya :D *mau balik ke hokkaido lagi buat beli kepiting raksasa :D*

  21. Setuju ! Aku ikut ya kalo kamu balik Hokkaido. Aku kangen scallopnyaaaa

  22. gmn gk tambah chubby, makanannya enak2...heheheh ( tar kl kesana lg, bawa 1 ya buat di jkt)
    pengen pny hot food vending machine isi ya : babi guling, sate lilit, nasi padang, sop buntut

  23. Oh...No. Saya pembelajar Bahasa Jepang yang belum pernah ke Jepang jadi Ngiler lihat makanan Jepang. Coba fotonya 3D ya (menghayal) pengen ikut makan mbak. Hehehehe....
    Salam kenal ya mbak.

  24. Salam kenal juga, Ainur. Douzo yoroshiku :D

  25. Semacam petaka blogwalking ditengah malam dalam keadaan lapar.

    Fix, aku nelan ludah saat liat semua gambar makanan, tanpa terkecuali :3

    1. waduh, maaf yaaaa. Aku temenin deh. Lagi lapar juga nih, hehehe :p


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