My Time Capsule: Poland: Warsaw Through My Eyes


Poland: Warsaw Through My Eyes

Poland, September 2011

Unlike Paris, the famous city that lots of people would do anything to visit.....Warsaw is a bit out of radar, well at least my radar. Because as far as I can remember, I've never heard my friends or people saying they really want to go to Warsaw or raving about how special this city is. So I didn't expect much when I plan to visit this capital and largest city of Poland.

Relax and calm atmosphere, those words came to my mind when I was walking around the city. It's a busy city but not hectic, in fact Warsaw is a green city with almost ¼ of its area is comprised of fields, parks, green squares and lush gardens. I spent most of my day walking around to explore some beautiful places like Lanzieki Palace, Chopin Memorial Park and the Old Town. When I got tired, I just sat on one of those park benches or taking pictures of random things that catch my attention.

Lazienki Palace

city tram

Chopin Memorial Park

cobblestone street

Church of the Holy Cross

The oldest historic district of the city which is called The Old Town, is bounded by Wybrzeże Gdańskie,
along the bank of the Vistula, and by Grodzka, Mostowa and Podwale Streets. Since I'm not a fan of modern buildings,  every time I travel to any cities I've never been before, I tend to search where the old town is. Specially in Europe, I love spending my time wandering around the cobblestone street and admiring the medieval architecture. So when I went to Warsaw, I just had to visit this UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Old Town Market Place. People were enjoying the warm sunshine in one of the cafes and some kids were chasing pigeons while laughing gleefully. Seriously, I just wanted to spend my whole day there.

Warsaw Old Town

the painter
In the end, I found myself falling in love with this pretty city....


  1. Replies
    1. iyah, suka banget ama kota tuanya, cantikkkk :)

  2. Hey do you keep track of all the UNESCO World Heritage sites you've visited?

    1. nope, but I want to make the list though. Sometimes I don't realise it was a UNESCO sites until I saw the sign, lol. Yeah, I need to do more research before travelling :p

  3. suka banget ama bangunan2 nya .... btw kalo jalan abis berapa duit, kayak nya ngak berseri duit nya hahahaha

    1. pake duit paman Gober, kakaka. Ga lah biasa aku kalau ke Eropa sekalian beberapa negara sekaligus. Biar hemat ga beli tiket pesawat dan apply visa bolak balik yang mahal banget :D

  4. Love Warsaw! I was there for a day last summer and I'm going back again this summer, can't get enough of this amazing city!

    1. I love it too. Please take lots of pictures of Warsaw, Gy. There are some places that I didn't have time to visit

  5. i never been to Poland hu hu hu huuu :-)
    Nice post, deb :)

    1. Thanks, kakak :)
      Ayolah dirimu kan tinggal di Yurop. Enak banget deket ke negara-negara tetangga

  6. Plaza di Eropa rapi-rapi nggk semrawut n bersih, walaupun banyak dipakai buat jualan.
    Indonesia bisa kayak gitu nggak ya?

    1. Masalahnya di Indonesia masih banyak yang suka buang sampah sembarangan. Padahal indah kan kalo sekeliling bersih n rapi

  7. So so so happy you had a chance to explore my home country. Lovely photos. I miss Warsaw so much. I was there last December and it looked so amazing. Beautiful photos. Hope you can get back there soon. Did you have some pierogis :)?

  8. I love both cities that I visited in Poland, Warsaw and Krakow. So pretty. I bet it looks even prettier during Christmas time, right :D

  9. deb, old town nya mirip di Frankfurt, jerman ya

    1. iyah, kebanyakan old town di Eropa model2 medieval gitu. Aku suka banget :)

  10. It does look a lovely relaxing place, the pictures ooze serenity, I agree it's very pretty and also looks so clean.xxxx

  11. Always love your post deb. Pengen tidur2 siang di Chopin Memorial Park sambil dengerin komposisi chopin :D

    1. Makasih Bobby :D
      Adem banget tempatnya n emang bikin betah kok disana

  12. Beautiful pictures. I too love old cobbled streets and ancient buildings (which is why I love London so much); Warsaw looks particularly peaceful and quiet.

    1. Thanks Amy :D
      Yes, I do love London too!

  13. Gorgeous! You are aware though that the Old Town isn't actually old substance but completely recinstructed? It was all destroyed in World War 2. I find it pretty as well, but always a bit eerie - cuz it's not real in a sense. Krakow has much more going for it in that respect I think. But Lazienki park is stunning!! And your photos show how much Warsaw is worth a visit!

    1. Thanks so much, Mariella :D
      I think I've read it somewhere about the reconstruction. And yes, Krakow is really pretty too, I love that town!

  14. Anonymous2/6/13 17:33

    waaaaaaaah warsaw :) Lanzieki Palace kan yang banyak meraknya itu ya mba, tapi orang polandnya sendiri bilang warsaw itu ugly, mereka lebih menjagokan krakow ya hehe suasana di warsaw old town memang asik banget gitu ya mba. anyway salam kenal :)

    1. Krakow memang cantik, tapi menurut aku Warsaw juga bagus lho. Aku suka banget kalo kota banyak taman yang bikin adem gitu.
      Salam kenal juga ya :)

    2. Anonymous8/6/13 10:45

      iya, ga jauh dari Lanzieki Palace, ada bagian dimana pohon-pohon di gantungin ayunan yg bisa buat tiduran itu loh, di sekitarnya ada flea market, trus ada musik-musik juga, enak banget main ayunan sambil dengerin musik plus liat suasana di situ hahah :D

  15. Gedung-gedungnya artisty banget...cocok nih buat foto pre wed disini...buehehe *lost focus

    1. iyah, suka banget ama bangunan2 di old town. Pasti romantis buat pre wed *bisnis minded* hihihi

  16. Duh, kalau yang kaya gini dibilang "ugly", apa kabar daerah pinggiran jakarta ya? miris. btw, suka foto-fotonya <3

    1. thanks yaaa.....aku juga suka kota ini. Cantik menurut aku, banyak taman yang adem gitu :)

  17. Wah aku baru tau nama daerah ini. Bahkan aku pikir kota tua ini hanya ada di set-set film. Dan ternyata ada dikota ini. Wow it's beautiful city... Aku jadi semakin iri sama mba deb yg berkesempatan untuk maen kekota ini...

    1. kalo di Eropa rata-rata tiap kota punya kota tua, aku paling suka jalan-jalan di area dengan gedung-gedung tua gini. Cantik :)

  18. Debbie, you have no idea how happy I am you enjoyed Warsaw a lot. When did you go there? Damn, we could have met together!!! (I was there between 28-30 August). Lovely photos, especially the ones from Lazienki and the green one of city tram. I miss Warsaw a lot!!

    1. I went to Warsaw 2 years ago. I'd love to meet you there one day, Agness. Perhaps you can show me some beautiful places and delicious food too :D

  19. kota warsaw...inget pas piala eropa kmrn...kerennnnn


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